Mini Vans for Mobile Detailing?

Does it make sense to run a mobile detailing business using mini-vans? Well, I am the Founder of the Detail Guys and some of our franchisees ran mini-vans, many had problems with them. Therefore if you are going to use a mini-van in your business then please be smart about how you do it and how you mount the equipment.

For instance watch those transaxles in those mini-vans and the brakes, generally more than 100 gallons of water an you are pushing the envelop on safety due to black ice slides or breaking and costly repairs. It also makes sense to buy a square water tank rather than a round one, which actually rocks the van back and forth or side to side during turns and that can be dangerous. Perhaps it makes sense to buy a skid unit that you can take in or out.

There are several companies, which design and build mobile car washing and detailing equipment. Many of these units are van units for instance, check out the skid units at . There are also companies that make such equipment in Florida and the prices are not so bad either. Or you might build something similar that ought to work for a 1-Ton full size van or a customized cargo mini-van.

If so you might use a 220 on the water tank, which makes a lot more sense. If your equipment breaks down you are SOL and sitting on your rear end waiting for expensive repairs and that is the kiss of death for a mobile auto detailing or mobile car wash company for sure.

If you are going to buy a new or used mini-van, it makes a nice work vehicle with lots of room for signage or a nice shrink rap, but please do your homework and know what you are getting into. I hope this article propels thought in 2007 and helps you in your quest to be the best.

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