The SolidDrive "RockSolid" Information Video

Truly omni-directional sound with no grille holes to give away the speaker: only SolidDrive. technology can achieve great audio outdoors from a perfectly camouflaged enclosure. Unlike other "rock" speakers, the RockSolid's polyurethane shell IS the speaker. Sound emanates from every square inch of the RockSolid's surface, produced by patented SolidDrive sound transducers mounted on the inside of the enclosure. For years, SolidDrive has transformed walls, windows, countertops, and furniture into invisible audio systems. Now, after years in development, ready to move from the living room to the backyard, bringing our hidden audio systems to barbecues and pool parties everywhere. RockSolid is available in sandstone, charcoal, and red rock; custom colors can be manufactured.

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