"Aubade" by Dick Davis (poetry reading)

Aubade means Morning Song. The atheist's dilemma is that his experience and the overwhelming emotions implied by the hand of God, even if his reason denies it. Compare William Wordsworth and Gerard Manley Hopkins, to see nature as an example of God's work The atheist must remember that it is reacting: any illusion that we are programmed to. The colors are just light waves of different lengths, in the visible spectrum. Some creatures or things to see the lightbeyond our visible spectrum. Camera, for example, see below, as the flashes of remotes, but you can not. Matisse is the membership of a movement called Fauvism painting in bright colors. Matisse said something to the effect that should be painted a painting as if it never rose above his Rose. Fauve literally means "wild animal". The paintings of Matisse's "Le Joie de Vivre" 1906 Isfahan was the ancient capital of Persia, and here refers toPersian carpets, rich colors. The poet is of English origin, has lived for eight years in Iran, which are used to Persia and is now a professor of Persian at Ohio State University. Quiddity is a quibble, a minor point. Simulacra misleading images or likenesses. Circe was a sorceress who had a penchant for turning people in wild animals - note the cunning leads with Fauvism - stream of consciousness stuff. Odysseus (Ulysses), landed on the island of Circe and herMen ...


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