Feng Shui At Home - Positive Energy In The Living Room
Following up on my article on the origins and concepts of Feng Shui, and how to create a Feng Shui "energy map" of your home, I'm going to provide you with ideas for implementing Feng Shui in the various rooms of your home, so create a more positive, free flow of chi, or energy. It's important that the chi can flow to all parts of a room and around all objects in the room, even parts that you might not normally pay much attention to - like corners. This improves the quality of our lives in general - and helps you keep clutter to a minimum. Clutter is a Feng Shui no-no!
One of the first steps in creating a Feng Shui harmonized living room is to look at how the couches & chairs are positioned. The ideal is that they face the door (or at least don't have their backs towards it) so people in the room are always able to see the door without having to turn from their seats. If you have the space to place the seating in a circular or octagonal arrangement, it creates better chi. Keep furniture to the minimum possible, to reduce clutter, which disrupts the flow of Chi.
As with all rooms, living room corners or badly-lit parts of the room need to be lightened. This can be done using any combination of plants, mirrors, art work, lights and pale colours. These all attract chi that would otherwise be missing. So place lights so that there are no dark corners in your living room, and the lights provide the extra benefit of brightening the whole room.
Televisions and other metal-based objects (such as music systems, metal tables) should not be placed centrally. The electromagnetic waves may disrupt the flow of chi, rendering your other efforts useless.
Traditionally, fireplaces were considered to be the ideal central element to a living room, but in modern homes, this is unlikely to be possible due to space limitations! But it's important to remember that the purpose of your living room is to be inviting to people, to get them to feel comfortable and relaxed, and stimulate good conversation. So even without a central fireplace, making the fireplace some sort of focal point will also work well.
Mirrors are a wonderful tool to enhance Feng Shui in a living room. They bring light into darker areas and can reflect aspects of the room that visitors might not otherwise enjoy. Mirrors make rooms look larger (and lighter) and very usefully, they can reflect the door, so any seating that cannot face the door can still have the door visible through the use of mirrors. The best placement for a mirror is where it can reflect a beautiful view, but once again, we need to adapt this principle to modern homes and cities.
In the practice of Feng Shui, tables symbolize health and energy, so they should be kept clean, tidy and as inviting as possible. Placing live plants or flowers on the central table is good for the health of people sitting in your living room, and the air is cleansed too. However, take care to avoid having plants with thorns, or very straight or spiky leaves. Plants with rounded leaves are better for energy flow. Live plants and flowers help the balance of yin and yang energy too, so have several good purposes. Another wonderful technique is to place photographs of loved ones on tables, as this is an immediate mood-enhancer when you enter the living room.
The next room I'll be writing about will be the bedroom. It's very important to have a restful and peaceful nights sleep, to maintain healthy chi. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy making your living room a better reflection of what you want your life to be!
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