Quick Way to Lose Weight - The 2 Best Exercises to Lose Weight Fast Without Leaving Your Home

Here's a quick way to lose weight using the 2 best exercises to lose weight fast without having to leave your home. Now, before you read on... if you don't like to exercise or want to lose weight just dieting or popping some amazing weight loss pills, then this article isn't for you.

This article is for those who aren't afraid to put a little time into improving their body... and I do mean "A LITTLE TIME".

Exercises to Lose Weight Fast

1. Hindu Squats

You may not know of this version of squats because it's not really for muscle building, it's for fat loss. And it does it's job REALLY REALLY fast.

There isn't much to explain on how to do these... just squat up and down fast. You only use your body as weight, no barbells. So you can do this at home.

I'll give you 1 tip to make this really effective... while squatting down for each repetition, be sure to touch your fingers to the ground. Why? Because this makes sure you don't cheat because it proves you went down far enough in the squat.

To start with, time yourself for 1 minute and do as many as you can in that minute. You want to average about 20 squats a minute... yeah they're fast!

Once you can do 20 in 1 minute, move up to doing 40 in 2 minutes. And so on. 60 in 3 minutes. 80 in 4 minutes. 100 in 5 minutes.

Once you get to 100 in 5 minutes, try doing it twice a day for 5 minutes.

2. Jump on a mini-trampoline

I'll tell you why I think so highly of this exercise. First, because it works. But besides that, because you're allowed to stay home and do this. This saves you tons of time and money. The other main point you should know about this is that if you do it for 1-2 minutes at a time throughout the day... that increases your metabolism a lot faster than just doing 1 big 20-40 minute workout all at once.

So all you do is use it for 1-2 minutes whenever you can spare the time. Don't stress out about having to schedule doing these. Just do them when you can.

The 1-2 minutes will add up to over 20 by the end of the day as long as you keep the mini-trampoline somewhere that you can see it all the time... like your living room. Keep it visible so you don't forget about it.

So if you want a quick way to lose weight, those are 2 of the best exercises to lose weight fast with.

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Jennifer Jolan

PS. For more weight loss solutions, go skim through 450 of my articles by clicking my name at the top of this article.

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