100k Plus Home Based Businesses - Are They For Real? What Do They Look Like?

For some, 100k is a target especially in middle income America. One hundred thousand dollars means opportunity for some, luxury for others and just plain riches for a few too, I'm sure.

Home based businesses that offer a legitimate income of 100k plus are more than likely going to be direct sales business models with a high end product.We have all heard stories of people getting into a MLM and making 30k or 50k in one month. Typically we don't do our research to find out that these individuals may have been at it for 3-5 years and had invested a lot of money and time.

They also had previous business experiences that prepared them for this level of success. Making 100k plus in a work at home business is definitely attainable, especially with the power of the Internet, and a strong product or service couple with unique systems that allow a person to focus only on income producing activities.

Keep in mind, many people say they want to make 100k plus and work from home. They want time freedom and extra money to do the things they have been putting off. I've found though, when it comes right down to it, most people aren't willing to let go of the thinking that keeps them broke and in a job they despise.

Making 100k plus is a good step along the way. A good beginning. Shooting for a solid number, a specific target can be very powerful. Much more powerful than say, making more this year. When we state we will make one hundred thousand dollars this year our subconscious and creative powers go to work to find ways to make that happen.

Making different choices as we see new opportunities is the key to achieving the new goal. Remember if you want something you have never had you must do something you have never done.100k plus home based businesses are going to require you to stretch a bit. They will require a calculated risk also.

A 100k homebased business will also require a commitment from you and your family or anyone who will be affected by your new commitment.Knowing specifically what 100k or whatever your income goal is, will do for your life is also a powerful tool in achieving it. Know what you will do with the money.

Know what you would do with the extra time to spend with family. Maybe you would start a knew tradition like going to Disney over Christmas break or taking a family cruise. Writing about your knew life, the life you truly want for yourself and your family, is critical to developing it into reality. Talk about it and detail the things you will do along the way as you achieve each step of your goal.

A 100k plus home based business will, again, more that likely be a direct sales model where you are paid at the point of sale. Look for 40 to 60 percent profits. You will want back end products with 3 to 5 thousand dollar profit margins or more.

There are tasks associated with each sale. Taking orders, placing orders, collecting money, helping others, and all the other things that come with a new sale will need to be done regardless of you margins.Many of these tasks should be automated or be accomplished with simple systems in place. the point is though, if you have to do the work anyway, why sell a one hundred dollar product when you can make 10 to 100 times the profit with the same amount of effort with a high quality product that is relevant and answers a need in the marketplace?

I have found a 100k plus home based business in the personal development field. I work with some of the top income earners in the home based business industry here in the U.S. It is amazing to here the stories of individuals who basically had the ingredients to be successful but lack the opportunity. Home based businesses offer a realistic opportunity that is unlike that of corporate success or even traditional small business success.

In closing, it is important that you feel inspired by the products or services that you will be involved with. This is sited as one of the most important components of success. Make 2008 a great year and best regards with you 100k plus income opportunity.

Joe Crawford is a succesful entrepreneur and small business expert [http://www.selfgrowth.com/experts/joe_crawford.html/]. Did you know you can start your own high profit home based business with skills you likely already have?

Have you ever felt uninspired by the current options? Are you considering them all. Have you found MLM takes much longer and is more difficult than they let on? Do you feel a franchise is nothing more than an over priced job with a bunch of rules?

.....Have you already been an entrepreneur and found while money can be made it will be at a tremendous sacrifice? Joe has been at each of these cross roads. It takes what it takes. If your looking for a new path that won't break the bank or caused you to be shunned from friends and family get in touch with Joe Today.

If your open to evaluating a low cost home business ideas or would like to learn about this exiting trend visit the site. Make it a Great Year.

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