GBG Review - From an Ex-Home-Business Hopper
So, what is a Home-Business Hopper, you wonder?
Well, Merriam-Webster's Dictionary defines a hopper as so:
1 a: one that hops b: a leaping insect; specifically: an immature hopping form of an insect.
And that's how I pictured myself. (well, not really as an insect, but rather a hopper)
An 'immature hopping form' going from one home-based business to the other. I'm sure there are plenty of 'hoppers' out there and I honestly think there should be a support group for all of us recovering mlm-addicts! =)
Through all the headaches of which company was the one that was going to make me a 'millionaire', I think the harder I looked, the deeper in debt i got.
I finally stopped hopping and am thrilled to have found the peace in my life.
I want to write a review to about my experience with GBG to help you find the right business that may be for you.
GBG, from the front end, seems pretty amazing. It's a drinkable vitamin that's $20 bucks a month and the business is free. I was floored when I came across this company. However, I do have to let you know. It tastes Awful! My husband and I just couldn't drink it...even if we tried.
Let's be honest. There's a lot of veggies out there that are crazy healthy for us....but do we eat them often?...uh...No. (man, how I wish pineapple upside down cake had a high ORAC value!) =)
Speaking of ORAC Value, GBG says it has a higher ORAC value than most stuff out there. But did you know that you can add Vitamin A to something and it raises the ORAC value? GBG prominent ingredient is (yup, you guessed it...Vitamin A) So, don't judge a product just by what they say the ORAC value is. What matters is what's IN the product, not just the vitamin list.
I wasn't impressed with their marketing or their website and though it's very inexpensive, it's somewhat tough to build the business.
Evidently, I stopped my autoship and returned to what my heart truly believed was right and true. Sure enough, I found success in my current business. Why? Because you have to 100% believe in your business.
So, I just went back to what worked, what tasted awesome, and what gave me the most energy. And now, I finally have success with my home business venture and stopped my 'business-hopping' habit.
If you're interested in knowing what it is, go to my website.
Thanks for reading my review. I hope you find what you're looking for.
About the Author:
Jazz Siebert resides in Los Angeles as an online coach, entrepreneur, lover of life and actress/writer. She loves to travel with her husband, help others, love others, and make a difference in this world. She also loves art, movies, yoga, puppies, cupcakes, and video games like Xbox, Wii, and PS3.
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