A cheaper alternative - Save Money On Gas
One of the cars are based on inventions of the century. Almost every individual either owns a motorized vehicle or rides in on a regular basis. Costs for fuel for cars, trucks and other vehicles, the increase was due to the rising price of barrels of oil from abroad. This price increase affects all people, cars, trucks, drive or use public transport. A rise in fuel prices also raises the cost of transporting the products by the power of the consignedCombustion engine. A result of these problems, energy conservation is one of the new buzzwords that this nation has been on the lookout for cheaper alternatives such as electric and water power had driven automobiles. But many of these alternatives come with great sacrifices for the consumer, or is a long time before a global aquarium market.
For example, electric cars are more efficient and less expensive, but most can not get very far before recharging it again. Hydropower isvery efficient and inexpensive, but the cost of the vehicle is very high and it would build time and money in order to refueling facilities around the world. Petrol stations are on every street corner, and most people have already operated a vehicle with gasoline. Therefore, the ideal solution for the MPS of the current cars on our roads is increasing now. Internal combustion engines in cars are designed to run at optimum efficiency for vapor fuel. Cars are now on LPG-powered burns18% efficiency in the piston chambers and exits the machine through the exhaust system. The catalyst, which is located in the exhaust pipe every vehicle which is intended to cover the increased fuel consumption by removing large molecules into particles before they exit to the exhaust pipe, thus eliminating the elimination of pollution to burn. The unused fuel is harmful to the engine for two reasons. First, the perfectly usable leftover wasted fuel, so that a vehicle to go mpgdown, and secondly, to build the leftover gas, commonly known as mud in the engine and causing interference. In a sense, cars are broken and need replacement after every ten to fifteen years in this way, the demand for vehicles remains relatively high. What if there is a way to keep the engine more efficient? It turns out, there is a product in the emerging market that does exactly this.
It is a two-step conversion kit for the recently publishedMarket, the HAFC (Hydro Assist Fuel Cell) and PICC (Pre-Ignition Catalytic Converter). They are revolutionary products that can be detected in studies testing the devices, MPG increase of gasoline powered engine by about nine times its standard mpg to. Both the HAFC and PICC Conversion kits can be installed on any type of gasoline powered vehicle and can be installed and maintained by your local mechanic. The HAFC (Hydro assisted fuel cell) breaks the waterMolecules to atoms to produce a hybrid gas-water, which burns over fifty percent more efficient than conventional gas and the doubling of the car or truck's MPG.
In stage two, the PICC (pre-ignition catalytic converter) will break the liquid into a plasma gas are steam, where the elements are divided into individual particles before the fuel is the engine. This process changes the dense liquid fuel into the less dense plasma, which tripled the fuel from the previous form, but because steamFuel is much more efficient, the less dense plasma fuel burns at three times the efficiency of the former liquid form, although the density was significantly reduced. The researchers of this revolutionary product is installed with both cars and trucks HAFC PICC and runs on standard fuel and get an amazing two hundred to three hundred miles per gallon. Since the fuel vapor is converted, all the gas burnt in the piston chambers. Consequently, there areliterally no pollutants or toxins from the exhaust gas and released into the atmosphere.
Between the parts, installation and tuning, the HAFC is running about $ 1,500. With gas prices expected to $ 4 per gallon in the summer, a person who owns a Honda Civic is $ 2,000 on gas each year trying to reach. With the HAFC installed, the civics' gas consumption is in two halves that equal a savings of $ 1,000 dollars a year, so that the payback on this change about 18 months. The PICC, which so far has notis released, is installed on approximately $ 5000 cost. Using the HAFC and the PICC is estimated to receive 270 of the Civic, MPG, which generated a savings of $ 1778 per year, making the payback period a little over three and a half years. The savings to increase at a faster rate when you go to larger vehicles like SUVs and pickups. The average consumer who owns a Chevy Tahoe, for example, $ 4 per gallon is about $ 4000 per year. The HAFC fuel costs, a cut of up to $ 2,000 per yearSavings of $ 2,000, which means the HAFC pays for itself in 9 months! With the PICC to spend about $ 444 per year, a savings of $ 3556th The PICC paid for itself in less than one and a half years. Also, because all dependent on the fuel into the engine, is burned, there is no excess gas lead to failures. A car with these systems will last upwards of 500,000 miles.
These two inventions are concerned, the best products for the automotive industry in the last 25 years. The HAFC and the PICCsignificantly reduce fuel costs, while eliminating emissions. The same fuel is consumed, so there is no need for dramatic changes to our service stations. Cars will also be built in the same way, so this product has little effect on the automotive manufacturing facilities. There are no disadvantages of these systems and gain a lot from them. The inventor is currently working on similar systems used to be used on ships, especially cruise ships and Commercial Airplanes.
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