Living Life with Interstitial Cystitis ... Helpful tips for living with this bladder condition
Interstitial cystitis is a painful, annoying condition for men and women. Although there is no cure or no treatment, living for all parties under the condition does not yet have a life full of pain and discomfort. Here are some simple but helpful tips on how to thrive in the study of interstitial cystitis.
Change your diet: Scientifically speaking, there is no concrete evidence of our diet causes interstitial cystitis, a linkknown as painful bladder syndrome. But it is estimated that as many as a firm of three people with the condition that if they reduce or eliminate certain foods from their diet, they will find relief from some of their complaints.
For many people with IC, the food and drinks that irritate the bladder rather include the following:
- Carbonated drinks
- Foods with a high acid content like tomatoes and citrus fruits
- All formsCaffeine, including chocolate
- Alcohol
- Some spice
- Artificial sweeteners
Experiment with the elimination of all food or beverages from each of the categories listed above to take a moment to determine what may be causing a negative impact on you and your symptoms. Think you get it, a balanced diet with a variety of healthy food and experiment. Some people find it helpful to fiber, add their diets and dietary supplements. Your doctorThey will eat the best foods to advise that use supplements, and what to avoid when dealing with IC.
Exercise: Even if sometimes it is impossible to prove, work-out without significant pain or discomfort, there are various forms of exercise that people suffer from IC can do to stay physically active.
Try it with this low impact, gentle exercises that help you to stay in shape while feeling your best is:
- Walking
- Low-Impact Aerobics
- TaiChi
- Yoga
- Exercises for the elderly or people with arthritis
Do you find stress to a minimum: A lot of people that stress can exacerbate their existing IC symptoms and even painful episodes. Experiment with different available methods to reduce stress on which you the best results, keep stress to a minimum.
In addition to regular exercises like walking, try one of the following methods to relieve stress and tension:
- Self-hypnosis
- Psychotherapy to learn new coping strategies
- Meditation
- The implementation of basic relaxation techniques into your daily life
Pain relief: Many patients diagnosed with IC may be, at least partial relief from the painful symptoms that are associated with the condition by practicing a few simple strategies at home.
Some of these methods of pain relief are:
- A warm sitz bath with Epsom salt or without, can help relieve symptoms of IC
- If youare not on a sodium diet, drink a glass of water with a teaspoon of baking powder
- Experiment with cold or warm environment to see the dam, which causes the pain relief
Do not smoke: In addition to all other health problems caused by smoking cigarettes, smoking can worsen painful conditions such as IC. Smoking is also cause for certain types of cancer, including cancer of the bladder associated.
Wear loose clothing: belts and tight clothing can pressure on theCause additional abdominal pain and discomfort. Keep your pantyhose on cotton underwear, long pants, skirts and thigh-high stockings as opposed to.
Maintain a positive attitude: This is not only sometimes difficult for many reasons, studies have shown that has a positive attitude is definitely a positive impact on our health and wellbeing.
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