How to Get Frontline Plus Cheap and What to Take Into Account When Buying It

Are you searching for discounted prices for Frontline Plus for your dog or cat? Frontline Plus is a product that is highly recommended by veterinarians as an efficient way to get rid of fleas and ticks. But, it has a high price too. Here you're going to find out how to buy this product at great prices.

Frontline Plus is a very efficient product both for fleas and ticks. Its efficiency last for an entire month, after that you have to apply the product again.

If you want to get rid of fleas it's important to break their life circle. Did you know that fleas need some 36 hours before they lay their eggs? So the product that you are using must kill them before that. Furthermore the product must be effective on the eggs as well. Frontline kills up to 100 % of fleas on your pets in less than 24 hours and destroys all stages of four different tick types (including the ones that cause Lyme disease).

Since it's proven to be highly effective the product is very popular and demanded, so the price is not very low either. There are certain things to keep in mind when buying this product:

1. Buy it online: you can purchase it from your veterinarian, but since they sell it in singular monthly doses the price is much higher. On line you can find the packages with 3, 6 or even 12 doses. This leads us to the next advice.

2. Buy it in bulk: buy a 3 or 6 month (or even 12 month) supply and you will get a lower price.

3. Choose when to buy: the prices are slightly lower during the cooler season. So try to get the product before May or June, when the demand will be higher (and perhaps prices as well).

4. Choose the right color for your dog: before buying the product you must weight your dog. Frontline plus orange is for dogs up to 22 Lbs (they need a monthly dosage of 0.67ml), the blue is for dogs from 23 to 44 Lbs (they need a monthly dosage of 1.34ml), the purple is for dogs from 45 to 88 Lbs (they need a monthly dosage of 2.68ml) and Frontline red is for dogs from 89 to 132 Lbs (they need a monthly dosage of 4.02ml). There are no specific packages for different cat weight (the only restriction is that the cat must be 8 week and older).

Frontline Plus is waterproof, so your dog and cat can still get wet and have a bath without having to worry about washing away the applied protection.

You can look for great deals on line on the various websites that sell pet supplies (but do not buy this product from someone who is not a trusted seller!). Since I know how looking for the best deals on line can be time consuming (and confusing too) I did a little research and I found the absolutely best prices for Merial Frontline Plus on line. The discounts are so high you won't believe! Click Frontline Plus Cheap to get it for you dog at really amazing prices and with free shipping. If you have a cat click Frontline Flea Treatment.

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