Stop The World A Jemi Nelena Story & (Box Desc) S3 Ep.51
Joe: (picks up the phone and called Nick) Joe Phone convened: Bringing home of Nick Carter: Why? Joe: Just do it! Nick: Ok, Where Art Thou? Joe: In the first room Nick: Ok Joe: (hangs up) one minute later, Nick Carter to go with her back to the European Arrest Warrant Joe: Ermm, have a baby, I'm sorry Demi: It 'EAW well: Whether I do a tour Jemi: I have a European arrest warrant: So this is the first room ( Joe: It 'amazing CARTER (smiling a little') the European arrest warrant: I think he likes Demi:(See Carter and smiles) European arrest warrant: And the next room (the kitchen goes Demi: Joe Nice: (nods) EAW: And the next room (a room goes) This is the second stay ( Joe: And 'amzing European arrest warrant: there are more (gets up and Jemi follow) This is the bedroom ( Joe : Wow, (looks a door) What's in there (pointing to him) the European arrest warrant: En suite opens (the door) ( Demi: Cool EAW:(Go outside and into another room) This is the changing table ( Demi: This is incredible, the European arrest warrant: (goes into another room) and that Joe is a room: One, think that there are other room EAW: (laughs) Yes (open door) ( And here is the other (leave the room then the one next door, and opens the door) (2.bp.blogspot . com) Joe: Demi WOW: Yes (nods) EAW: You get to see the garden (go down and the garden) ( Demi: What isthat ...
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