Real Hublot Watches - How to Spot a Knock-off of Hublot Watches

It is sometimes very difficult to tell original Hublot watches from replica watches, or a knock-off. To complicate matters, some Hublot replicas are high end replicas while others are very cheap. While high end replicas might still not be high end in quality like real Hublot watches would be, they are called high end because they have a higher asking price than the cheap replicas, and because they have a higher level of visual imitation.

Cheap replicas are easier to distinguish from real Hublots than the high-end replicas. The first place to look to distinguish a cheap replica is the wristband. Usually, a cheap replica will be completely missing the signature Hublot texturing on the wristband as well as the two recessed strips that come on a real Hublot wristband. Cheap replicas usually have entirely smooth wristbands, and you may also see some stitching on the replica watchband, which true Hublot watches do not use.

The second place to check is the screws on the watch. Hublot watches have signature "H" screws. Cheap replicas will have a regular screw.

If you look on the back of the watch, a cheap imitation will have a completely different movement than a Hublot original watch.

High end replica manufacturers go to great lengths to imitate Hublot watches. In fact, if you were to rely only on visual material, the front of the watch and the wristband itself would appear identical. Here, the best way to tell the fake from the real thing is to turn the watch over and refer to the movement.

On the back of the watch, when comparing the movement, you will be able to see a few differences straight-away. The rotor will have a saw-like appearance on the fake watch. "Hublot Geneve" will be engraved on the real Hublot watch, while on the impostor, the text will simply be stickered or painted on. And the Hublot "H" logo will be bolder than the real one.

Some people say that if a watch has black screws on it, it is a fake. Unfortunately, this is not an accurate way to distinguish the impostor from the real Hublot watches [] because in times past, Hublot did in fact use black screws on some models.

Of course, these are only a few of the visual differences so a consumer can easily spot a fake watch that a dealer may be attempting to pass off as a real Hublot. The real difference lies in the quality of the material and craftsmanship of a Hublot original. Many people will say that no watch, no matter how high end a replica will be able to match the quality and fine craftsmanship of a real Hublot.

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