Video Transcoding - The MPEG-container
A different video formats, which has undergone through many changes, the format is MPEG, MPEG stands for Moving Picture Experts Group and the original computer was called MPEG-1 can also serve as the first stage of this container, called MPEG-1 was significantly used in the production of VCD, which stands for Video CD.
The video quality of MPEG-1 compression is not as big as his successor, but it is very effective when it comes to video file sizein distributable media such as CDs, video format allows the use of popular audio compression like MP3, which is used heavily in peer-to-peer communication and file transfers.
From MPEG-1, we directly transferred to his successor with the name of MPEG-2, this new form allows for a higher quality of the media and distributed on DVD, compared to the first version of MPEG-2 encode their videos at a much higher bit rate, Video CDs can be as high as 1500 kbpsHowever, in order to use most of the capacity of a CD in VCD format encoded video game, an average of 1000 kbps to 1100 kbps, which enables DVD version of the Moving Picture Experts Group, a significantly higher bit rate, in fact it can so go up than 6000 kbps, then it depends on the size and length of the film, this new version allows video editors, subtitles, multiple video and audio tracks, which are typically encoded in AC3 Dolby Digital surround sound.
After high-definitionRevolution, a new version of this format came to be, which was known as MPEG -3, this new version was not originally supported the HD video, however, it was later realized that the previous format was good enough for high definition content so that this third version was quickly discontinued.
The Web has everything is portable and accessible, which is why MPEG was even adapted for the fourth time to meet the requirements of mobile devices become, MPEG-4 allows a higher compression withoutsacrificing too much quality video files with a bitrate of 700 kbps were good enough and could even close the quality if the correct amount of coding will be performed. MPEG-4 DVD is different from digital cameras, video recording have used capability and even cell phones, it is a very flexible video-use format.
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