Dial-up Vs. Broadband Video
The decision to pay extra fees and move from dial up to broadband usually involves three meetings wants: faster downloads, faster uploads and live streaming video.
The transmission of live streaming video is dependent on bandwidth, video codecs and the ability to transmit as many frames per second. Let's review, such as broadband video-on effect of these variables, dial-up and.
First a little background on bandwidths and speeds. Many people use the terms bandwidthand speeds interchangeably, so it is important to clarify the difference. Think of a water pipe. You can get more water through the pipe by increasing the pressure to send it through faster. This increases the "speed". You can also use more water from the end by increasing the size of the pipe. This increases the "bandwidth"
When you go from a dial-up ISP to a broadband ISP, you increase the size of the pipe through a higher bandwidth. In this way you can get more data through the pipe in thethe same amount of time, allowing faster uploads and downloads. Video data is, but good video requires enormous amounts of data. For this reason, it is often referred to as a video with a bandwidth hog. If you increase the bandwidth, you can learn more about video in the same amount of time.
Programmers can use creative and complicated mathematical formulas called algorithms to put the data into packets that allow more packets to go through the line. This is similar to increasingthe velocity of the water in the pipeline. In the world of video is the algorithm as a codec. Known codecs MPEG-4, MPEG-2 and JPEG.
To evaluate the codecs, a definition of the quality required. The number of frames per second (fps) is usually the objective measurement of video quality. "Video broadcast quality" is a term which usually means overused from 25 to 35 fps. Independent of theoretical rates, most live video streaming through the InternetBroadband is in the range 10 to 15 fps. It's not like HDTV or like movies in the theater, but it is sufficient for the purpose.
JPEG transmits video like a movie. Any full frames from the "filmstrip" message and. If the individual images, called frames, are quickly gathered together, they appear to display motion, just like a filmstrip.
MPEG-2, MPEG-4 and others send you a full frame every time. Send what If aI-frame, which is a full-frame, only once in a while. Between I-frames, they only send the video data that change. So when the image from a fixed camera in a room where someone is walking, the wall will not change, so that the image of the wall is not sent with every frame. Only the places where the person moves to transfer between the I-frames. This will produce a variety of data without compromising the quality of the video. So, with the same amount of data, the final result is moreFrames per second. Therefore, MPEG-2 and MPEG-offer 4 supposedly higher quality video.
What is bandwidth? Bandwidth is the amount of data that are sent in one second measured, usually in kilobits per second (kbps). Have you ever noticed how TV reporters on satellite phones sometimes look weird? They are normally transfer at very low bandwidths of less than 5 fps. Have you wondered why cell phone voice transfer plans are generally only video images,or video clips, so that the movement is slow, it does not appear? This is because the maximum range of 9.6 kbit / s is also very low.
Mobile data plans and dial-up service within the less than 56 kbit / s bandwidth. Broadband is more than 56 kbps. Cable companies usually offer in 128 kbit / s or 256 kbit / s increments. However, these maximum rates. For example, dial-rule varies from 30 to 45 kbps in the real world, even if in theory 56kbps.
MPEG-4 and its many variants are pretty much the standard for sending video over broadband connections. Many different companies have developed their own unique twist to try to use depending on the variations in the bandwidth, the interruptions, pixilation and video tears. But with a 256 kbps bandwidth, video can stream on average 10 to 15 fps, and can even at 20 or 25 fps depending on the fluctuation peak. Unfortunately, on dial-up, the number of frames per second, that theseStandard codecs can deliver is less than 5 frames per second, and often only 1 frame per second.
Some new video codecs are allowing frame rates of 12 fps offered through dial-up services, in many ways similar to the video over broadband connections. This has expanded the ability to video quality over dial-up transmission.
To summarize the water supply in accordance with, various video codecs to increase the water flow by the number of frames per second at the end of the pipe without increasing thethe size of the pipe. The switch from dial-up broadband is a way to increase the size of the pipe so that more frames per second coming at the end of the line.
The cost is always a consideration, with dial-up, less expensive. Also, many people worldwide do not have the availability of broadband, so dial-up is their only option.
Comet Video Technologies develops products and services for low bandwidth transmission of video over satellite, cell voice plans, cell dataPlans, broadband phone and dial. http://www.cometvt.com
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